What are we all searching for in a wine tasting? Sometimes people over complicate a tasting, you're doing several things when you're evaluating wine though. You have 2 main objectives when wine tasting I think. First of all, you're discovering what wine you like and don't like. Not just specific wines, but producers, regions, varietals, vintages, etc. You may love the 2006 Oregon Pinots and find 2005's to be too restrained and high in tannins. You may love everything Walla Walla has to offer, and dislike every Zin you've ever ventured to put in your mouth. Hopefully your second objective is to have fun. Why else would you do it???
Here are some techniques to tasting like a rockstar:
1. Examine the color and clarity, hold it up to the light, wine can be very beautiful like mini stained glass windows. If you swirl it a bit you'll see the legs, the wine trickle down back to the bottom of the glass, if nothing else they look cool.
2. Swirl the wine. Swirling will release the aromas. Oxygen will also incorporate into the wine. You'll be able to pick up on more aromas by getting them up out of the liquid.
3. Sniff -Really get in the glass and sniff. Aroma is the best part of wine sometimes. When you're sick nothing tastes right because you can't use your nose.
4. Sip - Unless you're at a dinner table, it is completely appropriate to slurp in air at the same time you drink the wine. This will aerate just a bit more, releasing the unique characteristics you may otherwise miss.
(Side note: Be confident while tasting! No one will second guess your nose if you describe the wine with confidence. If you smell something, then that's what it smells like. I don't care what Dr. J. says it smells like, if I can't smell it, or taste it for that matter, it doesn't mean I'm wrong, same as if I pick out something different. That's what makes wine so mystical.)
The last 2 here are suggestions for tasting:
5. Spit - Think about it. If you taste 6 wines at a winery, at 1 oz each, you are consuming 1 glass of wine. If you're going to 4 wineries, you would consume 4 glasses of wine. Your pallet will be shot by #2 if you're lucky. Spit out at least a few of them, it isn't an insult, in fact, most winery staff members will take you more seriously because you aren't looking like you're out to get buzzed. You will find enough wines to take home and enjoy in the safety of your own home.
6. Take notes - Whether you spit or not, you will not remember every wine you tasted and everything about it, what you loved, what you didn't, if you don't write it down. Don't count on the winery to supply you with tasting notes either, bring a little notebook or if you have to, use receipts, just don't forget the wines, you're trying to learn what you love and don't love. Remember that 6 wines at 4 wineries equals 24 wines to remember...good luck.
This last one is NOT a suggestion. If you do nothing else while you are tasting, follow this rule. This is the golden rule, so I will write it in caps:
7. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!!! The life you save will not just be your own! 10 free tastings are not worth your life! Have a dry friend drive, hire a driver, or join a tour bus, but don't drive if you intend to taste any wine. If you are spitting you are still consuming some alcohol. Any alcohol you consume will effect you to some degree.
Now you're ready to taste wine like a pro. Cheers!
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