Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pronunciation is key

Here's a quick how to on pronouncing several Oregonian words so you don't sound foolish next time you travel to wine country or order an Oregon wine in your local restaurant.

We'll start with the trickiest: Oregon

Oregon: Or-E-gun - gun as in bang NOT GONE. It is not OREGONE!!!

Pinot: Pea-no - as in the veggie, peas or the letter 'P', then No, as in "NO, bad dog!"

Willamette: Will-am-et - Will just as the name, am as in "I am Sam", and et as in set, net, met, let, you get it.

I don't want to hear Oregone, pine-not, or while-aim-ettie ever again, it's embarrassing, and it's not your fault when they visit here. It understandable when it's your accent, but if you speek English, you should learn and teach the proper way to say these words.

While we're at it I want to throw in another misspoken word:

Riedel: Read-L - this is a German word, 'V' is pronounced as 'W' (yes, vodka is pronounced wodka) and 'ie' says 'E', like in Riesling, you don't call it Rise-ling now do you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear GenX Blogger -

Re: Pronunciation is key. FYI: Auf Deutsch V is pronounced like F not like W, i.e.Volkswagen=Folksvahgun. In fact, the Germans don't have a W sound. W is pronounced like V as you can see from the above. Keep at it and keep learning.

Karl Klooster
Associate Editor
Oregon Wine Press